Alizeh Agnihotri, Salman Khan’s niece, is preparing for her big Bollywood debut. Salman’s sister Alvira and her husband, filmmaker Atul Agnihotri, have a 21-year-old daughter. When fragments from her photoshoot for a jewellery brand went viral in September of this year, Alizeh became a social media sensation. Salman, who has been keeping a careful eye on his niece’s progress, plans to debut her in a film next month.
Salman Khan Productions and Reel Life Productions, Atul and Alvira’s production company, will produce Alizeh’s Bollywood first film. He adores Alizeh and is excited for her to make her debut.
Salman is also kept up to date on the progress of her training. For the past two years, Alizeh has been taking dance and theatre courses. Salman and her parents are currently finalizing the film’s director and other cast members. The shooting of the love picture is set to begin in 2022, with a release date expected in 2023.
Alizeh has modelled for Sohail Khan’s wife Seema Khan’s clothing line in the past. The newcomer has been trained in a variety of dance styles. Saroj Khan, the late choreographer, was instrumental in nurturing the budding star youngster.
Meanwhile, Salman, who is presently hosting Bigg Boss 15, can be seen in the action film Antim: The Final Truth, which was recently released. Salman’s brother-in-law Aayush Sharma also appears in the Mahesh Manjrekar-directed film. The plot centers around a fight between a Sikh cop (Khan) and a gangster (Sharma), and, like the original, it highlights the harsh conditions that drive some farmers to commit crimes.
On November 26, 2021, the film was released in theatres all around the world. On its first day, Antim: The Final Truth earned Rs. 5.03 crore at the box office. The film earned Rs. 6.03 crore on its second day. The film earned 7.55 crore on its third day, bringing the weekend total to 18.61 crores. Â Tiger 3 is the actor’s next project.