
Say Goodbye To Dry Hair With These DIY Moisturizing Hair Masks

By Sanskriti

April 04, 2024

Dry, dehydrated, and damaged hair has got to be the biggest red flag that you can carry. Blame it on the pollution, the whimsical weather conditions, or our styling impulses that often end up making our strands resemble the Walking Dead.

If you need some much-required moisturising treatment for your hair, we got you covered. Ahead lies a treasure trove of DIY hair packs for dry hair that need some extra pampering and hydration.

Apple Cider and Honey Hair Mask

This concoction is a game-changer for dry and lacklustre hair. Packed with vitamins and humectants, this mask will breathe life back into your locks.



Dilute apple cider vinegar with water, adding honey drops. Transfer the mixture to a spray bottle, then generously apply to damp hair. Allow it to sit for 5–10 minutes before rinsing thoroughly.

Banana, Coconut Milk and Olive Oil Hair Mask

Bananas are a powerhouse of antioxidants and magnesium, perfect for restoring moisture to your hair. Combined with coconut milk and olive oil, this mask will leave your locks feeling nourished and revitalised.


Egg, Yoghurt, and Castor Oil Hair Mask

Create a smooth paste by mixing mashed banana and coconut milk, then add olive oil. Apply the mixture to your hair, focusing on the lengths and roots, and leave it on for 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with shampoo and water, followed by conditioner.

Breakfast favourites can double as hair saviours with this moisture-boosting DIY mask. Rich in nutrients, this mask provides a lustrous makeover for dry hair.



Whip egg yolk and yoghurt into a runny consistency, then add castor oil. Apply the mask to your hair and scalp, leaving it on for 30 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water and shampoo.

Lemon Juice and Egg Hair Mask

Revitalize extremely dehydrated hair with this simple yet effective DIY hair pack, beloved by many for its moisturizing properties.



Whisk egg until frothy, then add lemon juice. Apply the mixture to your hair, covering it with a shower cap, and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with shampoo and water.


With these nourishing DIY hair masks, you can bid farewell to dry, damaged locks and welcome back your hair’s natural shine and vitality. Say hello to healthier, happier hair with these simple yet effective treatments.