The king of Bollywood aka Shah Rukh Khan is in constant discussion these days about his upcoming film ‘King’ in which he will be seen sharing the screen with his daughter Suhana Khan. During a recent event, King Khan said such a surprising thing about his age, which stunned everyone present there. In a video shared on Shah Rukh Khan’s fan page X, Shah Rukh can be seen on stage addressing the people present there.
Shahrukh Khan
Let us tell you that during his interaction with the crowd, Shahrukh said that he is turning 60 this year. Then he talked about his age-defying look and joked that he looks 30 years old. King Khan said, “I am turning 60 this year, but I look 30 years old.” He further said, “I just want to tell you, I forgot some things.” Another video of the actor from the event has surfaced on social media, in which he can be seen dancing to the song ‘Jhoome Jo Pathan’ from his film Pathan and ‘Zinda Banda’ from Jawaan.
Shahrukh Khan
Shahrukh has delighted his fans by opening his arms and giving his signature pose. At the same event, Shah Rukh Khan also shared an update about his next film ‘King’, in which he is working with his daughter Suhana Khan. The Bollywood superstar confirmed that the film will be directed by Siddharth Anand, who also previously directed Shah Rukh’s Pathan. King Khan also told everyone that the upcoming film would be so entertaining that everyone would love to watch it in theaters.
Shahrukh Khan
Let us tell you that Shah Rukh Khan further said, “I am shooting for my upcoming film King right now. I will shoot it for a few months. My director Siddharth Anand is very strict. He has also made my superhit film Pathan. He has told me not to tell anyone what we are doing. I cannot tell you, but I can definitely tell you that it will be a fun film and you will enjoy it.”