One of the most beautiful Bollywood actresses Shraddha Kapoor is enjoying the success of her film “Stree 2” these days. Following this, she has shared several pictures of her Abu Dhabi trip on her social media handle. In these pictures, Shraddha is seen going for a walk with her gang. Apart from this, she has shared several other glimpses of her trip as well. Shraddha is someone who is often seen sharing special moments of her life with fans through her Instagram.
Shraddha Kapoor
Let us tell you that Shraddha Kapoor has shared several beautiful pictures of her Abu Dhabi trip. In one of the pictures, Shraddha is seen talking about the city, the special things that are present in the city. Apart from this, she also reached the famous museum of Abu Dhabi and witnessed several unique masterpieces there and also showed the map of India present in the museum with a proud feeling.
Shraddha Kapoor’s Post
In these pictures shared by the actress on her social media handle, Shraddha Kapoor is wearing a brown dress in which she looks very beautiful. Shraddha also took selfies with some special things from the museum and showcased them to her fans. It is being said that the actress is on holiday with her team and shared pictures with them on her social media handle and wrote, I am always attracted to togetherness. What I think is the best.”
Shraddha Kapoor
Shraddha is seen enjoying the strong wind in Abu Dhabi even when she is seen flaunting her dress in the strong wind, in which fans are seen taking pictures of her. Her fans are liking this stunning look of the actress very much and showering love on her. Let us tell you that her recently released film, Stree 2 did wonders at the box office in which she was seen opposite Rajkummar Rao.