Bollywood actors Shreyas Talpade and Alok Nath have been named in a cheating and breach of trust case filed at the Murthal police station in Sonipat district, Haryana. The FIR, registered on January 22, implicates the two actors among 13 accused individuals, with allegations including criminal breach of trust, cheating and fraudulent property transfer.
Ajeet Singh, Additional Commissioner of Police (ACP), Murthal, confirmed that the complainant had included the names of Talpade and Nath in their statement. Singh explained, “The primary complaint is against the Human Welfare Credit Cooperative Society, which is accused of defrauding people by luring them into investments. We will investigate what role, if any, is attributed to Shreyas Talpade and Alok Nath.”
The case stems from a complaint filed by Sonipat resident Vipul Antil against the Human Welfare Credit Cooperative Society, a multi-state cooperative society registered in Indore under the Multi-State Cooperative Society Act, 2002. Antil claims that the society has been operating in multiple states, including Haryana, since September 16, 2016.
According to the complaint, the society promoted fixed deposit (FD) and recurring deposit (RD) schemes, promising high returns to investors. The society allegedly used a multi-level marketing strategy, where agents were incentivised for recruiting new investors, further fueling the fraudulent operation.
Shreyas Talpade, who is known for his roles in films such as Iqbal and Dhol, was last seen in Kangana Ranaut’s Emergency, a film set against the backdrop of India’s Emergency period (1975–1977). The film features a star-studded cast, including Milind Soman, Mahima Chaudhry, Anupam Kher, and the late Satish Kaushik, among others.
Alok Nath, a veteran actor with over 300 films to his name, has been a prominent figure in both Bollywood cinema and television. Known for his portrayal of various roles, Nath’s career has spanned decades, making him a household name in India.
The police are currently investigating the case, and the involvement of Talpade and Nath is yet to be fully clarified. Further details regarding their role in the alleged fraud remain under investigation.