South Indian stars Sobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya have started a new journey after tying the knot in Hyderabad on December 4. The couple got married with great pomp in the presence of their close ones according to traditions. Recently, Naga and Sobhita officially shared their wedding pictures on their respective social media handles, in which they are looking very happy. Now, a video of the wedding day has surfaced on the internet, in which Sobhita can be seen dancing happily before the procession.
Sobhita Dhulipala Dances At Her Wedding
In the viral video clip that has surfaced on social media, Sobhita is seen dancing to the music of her procession. Happiness and joy are clearly visible on her face. Her excitement shines out while talking about her wedding. Let us tell you that this video has been shared by her makeup and hair artist on her social media. In the video that has surfaced, Sobhita can be seen getting ready for the wedding.
Sobhita Dhulipala On Her Wedding
Later in the video she is seen dancing happily to the drum beats being played outside the procession and said, “Shraddha, I am getting married!” The video also shows Sobhita doing her makeup on her own. After getting ready, Sobhita is seen posing for pictures. After this, Sobhita said, “Now I am feeling shy.” Meanwhile, Sobhita commented on the post and wrote, “Baaraat FOMO is real.”
Sobhita Dhulipala
Let us tell you that Nagarjuna’s son Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala got married at Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad in the presence of close friends and family members. The wedding ceremony of this beautiful couple took place as per Telugu customs and traditions. Before tying the knot with Sobhita, Naga was previously married to actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu, however, in October 2021, they announced their separation from each other.