Bollywood’s Dabang Girl actress Sonakshi Sinha is very active on social media these days and is sharing more than one photoshoot picture and video. Sonakshi looks very beautiful not only in western but also in ethnic look. Now she has once again shared beautiful pictures with a royal look. The actress can be seen posing in a royal style with graceful looks.
In the latest pictures that Sonakshi shared on her Instagram today, she is seen in a green colored heavy anarkali style suit, which has beautiful Zardozi embroidery along with a ruffled border on the sides. Sonakshi is seen flaunting light makeup and traditional jewelry with great elegance.
Sonakshi Sinha also shared pictures of her photoshoot a few days ago, in which she was seen wearing a beautiful white dress. For now, if we talk about this latest photo shoot, then it looks like a great film scene from old films. Talking about Sonakshi’s outfit, the green anarkali suit has golden colour work and has also taken a matching dupatta. Sonakshi looks very beautiful in the pictures. Fans are also seen showering love in their pictures through heart emoticons.
Talking about Sonakshi Sinha’s film career, she was last seen in ‘Bhuj: The Pride of India’. Ajay Devgn and Sanjay Dutt also played the lead role with him in this film. However, this film with such a huge star cast flopped. On the other hand, if we talk about Sonakshi’s upcoming films, then she is going to be seen in ‘Nikita Roy and the Book of Darkness’. A few days ago the first poster of the film has also been released. Apart from this, the actress is working in Kakuda and Double XL.