Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor tied knots on 14 April in the presence of their respective families at their Mumbai house, Vatsu. Though days have passed since both the actors get married but discussion about the marriage is continued. It’s just the right amount of happiness to see videos and images from their wedding on our timeline.
Recently, Ranbir’s mother-in-law shared a beautiful selfie of her from her daughter’s D-Day and captioned it “shaadi se kuch der pehle”. Soni Razdan is looking very royal and graceful. She was wearing Manish Malhotra’s designed saree along with this she wore heavy jewellery with subtle makeup. Fans and followers took to the comment section to compliment Ranbir Kapoor’s gorgeous mother-in-law.
A few days back on Soni Razdan and Mahesh Bhatt’s marriage anniversary everyone from Kapoor and Bhatt’s family wished the couple. Veteran actress and Alia Bhatt’s mother-in-law also wished the couple. Neetu Kapoor share a beautiful picture of the couple and shared it on her Instagram story and she wrote in her caption: “Happy anniversary samdhan and samdhiji. Love and hugs.”
On her and Mahesh Bhatt’s anniversary, Soni Razdan shared a throwback picture and a relatively recent picture and she wrote: “Age cannot wither her nor custom stale her infinite variety.” This quote about Cleopatra could well apply to our marriage as well. Happy Anniversary old chap. Cheers to many more fun times ahead.
Earlier, paps were seen interacting with Neetu Kapoor and asked her about her daughter-in-law Alia. “Bahu Badiya Hai” the actress replied.
On the work front, Alia Bhatt was currently seen in Gangubai Kaithawadi and RRR. Both films created a huge buzz. In the worldwide gross collection, Gangubai managed to earn Rs 179.31 crore. After the pandemic, Gangubai became the third highest-grossing film. Alia is back on the set of Rocky and Rani ki prem kahani While, Ranbir Kapoor is currently shooting for his next film Animal, with Rashmika Mandanna.