Bollywood actor Sonu Sood willingly volunteered to send migrants workers home, and this activity of his has earned him a great deal of acclaim and gratefulness from the whole nation. It’s motivating all the endeavours he took to guarantee the migrant labourers arrive at the places where they grew up securely. Aside from his benevolent and kind act, he additionally sets aside out effort to effectively answer individuals on Twitter, and react to their questions and demands. Among all the questions up until this point, he has gotten some extremely funny one, to which the entertainer has clever answers. Be that as it may, the most recent solicitation he got by a young lady is by a wide margin the cutest one.

The solicitation arrived in a video including a young lady, who adorably asks, “Sonu Uncle… I’ve heard you are sending individuals home. Anyway, Papa is asking, will you have the option to send Mumma to Nani house? Tell me”. The child likewise winks and offers a go-ahead at long last, and it’s simply excessively charming! The video was imparted to the subtitle, “Extremely Urgent Demand @SonuSood ,So Kindly Notice And Please Fulfill The Same !!!!”
Sonu Sood shared the video and answered, “Presently this is something extremely testing. Will attempt my best.” Take a look:
In the meantime, a couple of days prior, #BharatRatnaForSonuSood was drifting on Twitter and individuals requested acknowledgement for Sonu Sood’s tenacious endeavours in sending vagrant specialists back home and his alleviation work in the midst of an emergency like this. Aside from this, Sonu Sood has likewise been accepting recognition from his companions from the film business, just as numerous legislators for his sacrificial demonstration.