
Summer Saviors: 10 Refreshing Foods To Keep You Cool And Energized

By Sanskriti

April 19, 2024

As temperatures soar, staying cool becomes a top priority. While guzzling water may not always suffice, maintaining a balanced diet can reduce internal heat, ensuring comfort amidst the sweltering heat. Contrary to popular belief, cold drinks and frozen treats may exacerbate the situation.

Here’s a curated list of foods to keep you cool and healthy this summer.


Watermelons and musk melons are summer favourites for a reason. These juicy fruits hydrate and provide essential nutrients like vitamin B, magnesium, potassium, and fibre.

Leafy Greens

Incorporate nutrient-rich leafy greens like spinach, lettuce, Amaranth, Chinese cabbage, and kale into your diet. Not only are they high in calcium, but they also offer a cooling effect on the body.


Known for their hydrating properties, cucumbers are synonymous with cooling. Enjoy them as a refreshing salad, with your favourite dip, or blended into a revitalising juice with ginger and lemon.


Embrace the traditional Indian summer drink, buttermilk, known for its hydrating and digestion-friendly properties. Enhance its flavour with roasted cumin seeds, fresh coriander, and ginger.


Indulge in the king of fruits to beat the heat while enjoying its myriad health benefits. Whether eaten raw, as Aam Panna, chutney, or curry, mangoes aid digestion, prevent heat strokes, and boost energy.


Add a zing to your beverages and salads with lemon, known for its immune-boosting and skin-enhancing properties. Enjoy lemonade or incorporate it into various recipes for a refreshing twist.

Curd and Yoghurt

Rich in calcium and gut-friendly bacteria, curd and yoghurt are ideal summer alternatives to sugary drinks. Mix them with fruits or enjoy them as shrikhand for a tasty and nutritious treat.


Opt for fish to boost your protein intake without adding excess heat to your body. Rich in good fatty acids, fish offers a flavorful alternative to heavier meat dishes.


Stay hydrated and cool with electrolyte-rich coconut water. Enjoy its refreshing taste while replenishing essential nutrients and maintaining energy levels.


Mint aids digestion and relieves nausea, headaches, and fatigue, making it an ideal summer herb.

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