Aishwarya Rai is dancing away with her 12-years old daughter Aaradhya Bachchan. While the video is cute and has gone viral, netizens find Aishwarys “too much’ for being around Aaradhya all the time. They comment that Aishwarya should give her daughter space.

This articles features worldwide celebrities’ smart interpretation of a wardrobe malfunction and how they graciously handled it. It features Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Miley Cyrus, Dakota Johnson, Carol Gracias, Brad Pitt, Kate Middleton, Kylie Jenner and Paris Hilton.

Kriti Sanon punctures reports that claim she is using KWK8 platform to promote trading platforms. She has released a cautionary statement and have taken a legal actions against such fake and false defamatory reports and articles.

This article features Aamir Khan’s old interview clip in which he condemns Bollywood directors for relying heavily on violence and sex to promote their films. He says it brings on negative impact on youth and that we should be moral is using the platform of Hindi cinema. The clip has gone viral after the release of Animal, strring Ranbit Kapoor and Anil Kapoor.

Jennifer Lawrence recently became the nucleus of rumors owning to claims that she has gone under knife for […]

Taylor Swift had allegedly refused performing at King Charles III’s coronation ceremony, reveals the royal expert Omid Scobie […]