Tagged: health

5 Most Effectual Remedies To Treat Excessive Sweating, Check It Out!

Sweating is a natural one but have you ever landed in a situation of excessive sweating? If so, you might of course keep your distance from your friends and other people. You would be...

Oops! Are you even leading a healthy life, heard about PCOS?

Oops! Are you even leading a healthy life, heard about PCOS?

By- Huma Liaq PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a severe hormonal disorder encountered in the female population. PCOS is most common among women of reproductive age (15-49 years) worldwide. Spreading awareness about it, is...

These Four Habits Make Bones Weak

If the bones are weak then obviously it will cause many problems. Difficulty in getting up, standing, and walking may occur. If the bones remain strong, then the risk of joint pain, back pain,...