Honey Rose is the new internet viral sensation with her cute playful wink. In a video Honey has shared on her Instagram, she is walking in the nature and winking at us in a playful way. Priya Prakash Varrier is popular as Wink Girl with her movie Oru Adaar Love. With Honey Rose, we believe we have found our new Wink Girl!
Honey Rose is an actress who appears mostly in Malayalam films with a few acts in Tamil, Telugu and Kannada films. Honey will be next seen in two movies – Sreeraj M. Rajendran’s Teri Meri slated to release this year on December 15th. Second movie is Gali Brothers directed by TS Suresh Babu which is set to roll out next year on 25th October.

This articles features worldwide celebrities’ smart interpretation of a wardrobe malfunction and how they graciously handled it. It features Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Miley Cyrus, Dakota Johnson, Carol Gracias, Brad Pitt, Kate Middleton, Kylie Jenner and Paris Hilton.