As Parineeti Chopra embarks on her career as a singer, Raghav Chadha has an emotional message for her. Actress Parineeti Chopra declared last week that she is formally launching her singing career. Her debut concert staged in Mumbai, had recently concluded. As she embarks on her new career as a singer, her spouse, Raghav Chadha, has now turned to Instagram to write an emotional message for his “own personal melody queen.” Raghav Chadha’s note for Parineeti Raghav posted a photo of Parineeti […]

Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra has given an insight into her Christmas preparations after her marriage to Raghav Chadha. […]

Parineeti Chopra is all set to roll out as Amarjot Chamkila in her next Chamkila, directed by Imtiaz Ali. Chamkila is the true story based on the loves of two singers, Amar Singh Chamkila and his wife Amarjot Chamkila. Chamkilas along with 2 other members of their band were assassinated and then killed on 8th March 1988.
Diljit Dosanjh will be playing Amar Singh Chamkila while Parineeti will be Amarjot. Parineeti reveals that her training for the role included singing every day in the music studio of A. R. Rahman and eating as much junk as possible afterwards at home. Now Pari is getting back to her fitness routine, loving the gym and workouts.

Parineeti Chopra has shared some stunning photos of her wedding celebrations on social media. The Bollywood actress took […]