
The Bold Type: Why women everywhere loved this show!

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May 25, 2021

By Shreya Raj Dubey

A few months ago, Netflix added another girl oriented series to their domain and we cannot thank them enough for it. This comedy-drama revolves around the life of three mid-twenty aged girls who live in New York and explore their career options, morals and sexuality but most of all this show depicts the friendship of three girls who stood against all odds for each other.

The three lead characters, Jane Sloan, Kat Edison and Sutton Brady, portrayed by Katie Stevens, Aisha Dee and Meghan Fahy respectively, start their careers as an intern for the fictional very famous New York magazine called Scarlet. They grow throughout the series while facing their own problems, whether it’s about love life or family, sexuality or disease. 

The Bold Type is truly bold enough to cover all aspects of issues girls face whether it’s in personal or professional life. It promotes the LGBTQ, spreads awareness about breast cancer and also sets a reminder to keep dreaming big and always be ambitious. Let me brief you a little about the three main characters:

The supporting characters, Richard Hunter, Jacqueline Carlyle, Oliver Grayson, Alex Crawford, Ryan Decker, and many others have done all justice to their respective roles. 

So now that we know about these amazing characters and the gripping storyline, what are you waiting for? Go and watch, if you haven’t yet, this amazing show. It will, for sure, make you want to shift to New York or start working for some place like Scarlet.