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The First Week After A Hair Transplant

Losing your hair can be a worrying time and can have an impact on your confidence. It happens to both men and women over the course of their lives for many reasons, with hormones and genetics being some of the most common. Thankfully, there are procedures that you can take advantage of to restore your head of hair, so you can feel more like yourself again. Read on as we take a closer look at the best hair transplant in Turkey and what you can expect from this permanent solution to hair loss.

Types of hair transplant 

A hair transplant is a more permanent solution for those that suffer from hair loss, and whilst you should make sure that you have tried everything before you undergo surgery, like changing your diet and identifying any underlying issues, a hair transplant can be a great option when it comes to restoring your head of hair to its former glory. When researching the types of hair transplants you can benefit from, it may become confusing – there are a few that you can choose from! Here are some of the most common:

What to expect after your procedure 

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure, but as technology is advancing, you can benefit from some of the highest quality equipment for a minimally invasive treatment with fast recovery rates, which means little downtime – you’ll be back on your feet before you know it. Before you have your hair transplant, knowing what to expect immediately after can help to ease your mind – so here are a few things to expect in the first week after your hair transplant procedure.

Immediately after 

When your procedure has taken place, on many occasions you will be able to leave the clinic on the same day. You will have a dressing to protect the donor area, which may vary depending on where your hair was taken from. You’ll need to take care when it comes to sleeping so that you don’t aggravate the donor or transplanted areas. Your surgeon will tell you what they think is best, but mostly, patients will have to sleep in a chair to prevent any issues from occurring. You may also find that your scalp bleeds a little – but this is to be expected.

Washing your hair 

On the third day after your hair transplant, you will be able to wash your hair! But this is usually done by a specialist, to check that everything is as it should be. Your specialist will take off the bandages and wash the donor area with a special solution, which gets rid of any blood. After this, your doctor will tell you to avoid sunlight, and you should maintain a careful sleeping position.

Follicles begin to establish 

The first three days after your surgery are the days in which you will need to be extra careful with your hair and donor site. Over the first week, your new hair follicles will be adjusting and getting used to the new area in which they have been implanted, and although recovery is different for everyone, you may find it surprising how quickly you begin to heal. Towards the end of the week, your hair will begin to shed – but this is nothing to worry about! This happens usually due to the trauma of surgery and can be referred to as ‘shock loss’ – but it will grow back, fuller, and better than ever.

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