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The Top Ways To Protect Yourself From Harmful UV Rays In Australia


The Top Ways To Protect Yourself From Harmful UV Rays In Australia

By Jean Grey

August 26, 2024

It’s nearly impossible to avoid sunlight here in Australia because we experience warm weather most days. You can however put things in place that will protect not only you but your family members as well when you venture outdoors. Even the walk from the house to the car, to the shopping centre leaves your skin vulnerable to the effects of UV rays and so you need to do what you can for added protection. It shouldn’t have to be mentioned to you here that you shouldn’t be using tanning beds or sunlamps under any conditions.

One of the first things that you can do to protect your skin is to install a car sun shade and these can be placed strategically on the windows depending where the sun is at any given time. These will not only protect your skin but will also protect the interior of your car like the dash and the car seats. This is just one way to protect yourself from harmful UV rays here in Australia and the following are some others.

Always remember to take your sunglasses everywhere that you go and if you have small children, buy them sunglasses suitable for their face. If you follow these four pieces of advice then you should be able to protect yourself when venturing out into the sunshine every day.