The Unchanged Reality…

By Our Correspondent

September 23, 2024

By Adv Devyani N. Nikam 

Unchanged Reality! yes it is. Women in India facing violence has  become a relentless issue including physical violence, sexual  violence or domestic violence mostly committed by men!  

Twelve years to the Nirbhaya case and here we are in the same  place, facing same situation! – #NIRBHAYA2 #ABHAYA  

Egalitarianism – (Gender  Equality) – Gender discrimination mostly in  favor of men affects many lives  of women from the perspective  of career growth, progress and  development of women leading  to disturbing women’s mental  peace, torture, harassment and  leaving women into traumatic  condition for life! Gender  Equality is a human right and  this should not only be found in  the articles, books, or in our  constitution, this should be  applied recurrently.  

Gender based violence – (GBV)  Keeping in mind the health,  dignity and security of women in  India if we talk, must be our of India. Major reasons for GBV  are poverty, lack of education  and stress at home. Women  facing sexual harassment,  physical harassment, Mental  Trauma, inflicted in Public or in  Private including threats of  violence, coercion and  manipulation, blackmailing  causing devastation and leaving  lifelong repercussions for  women.  

Domestic Violence in India – Many of married Indian women  face domestic violence between  the age of 18-49 have experienced domestic/ sexual violence and some have suffered  physical violence during their  pregnancy and many more which left unreported. Gender  inequality, Substance abuse,  Dowry culture (despite of the  Dowry Prohibition act, 1961)  cases of Dowry and violence  against women for dowry are  emerging out into our society.  

Sexual Harassment –  In spite of availability of several  women helpline numbers,  heinous crimes against women  are taking place whether it be on  her working place, on roads  crimes like stalking, molestation  or toxic male gaze. Every time  women getting out of their  house they’re like “chalo aaj  kya naya face karna padega”  this has become the current  situation, and for this sorry! but  women are not at all responsible  (this is for those who blame  women for their own mistakes)  she’s just trying to live her life  peacefully, happily just the way  she wants and nobody has right  to take away her liberty and her  choice. I repeat nobody!  

Sexual Exploitation Gaining trust first then back  stabbing, using women for their own comfort then abusing them publically making harm to their  reputation socially, playing with  their emotions and blackmailing  them, in such situations women  must take a stand for themselves.  Women must keep a strong proof  ready with them in case of  anything related to such situation  occurs in the future she should be  ready with all the material (real  evidences which we call) or  documentary evidences against  the culprit. As stated, under  section 69 of Bhartiya Nyay  Sanhita, 2023 has introduced an  act that if you are engaging in  sexual intercourse with a women  making false promise to marry is  a criminal offence, and offender  can face upto 10 years of  imprisonment and fine.  

Discrimination against women – Women in India have faced  huge battles earlier battles such  as limited access to education,  social evils if we talk about like sati, sexism (Misogyny) – maintaining social rules of  patriarchy which has been  practiced into our society since  many years. Solution to which is  ensuring equal access to  education, Empower women at workplace, strengthen legal  protections, support  organizations that fights for  gender equality.  

Cyber violence against women –  Women are said to be more  frequent targets for  cybercriminals. Such targets can  be categorized as, hacking social  media accounts and demanding  money against the same or  demanding personal and private  pictures which causes identity  theft, even deception to obtain  personal information from a  victim and can be misused to act  under the name of victim. As per  the statistics nearly 98% of the  cyber violence are committed  against women in India. With  relation to that crimes such as  cyber bullying, cyber stalking  (section 354 D, IPC), cyber  defamation as well as cyber  pornography are some of the  crucial issues which need to be  controlled by making strong  laws against the criminals and  action must be taken  accordingly. Under such cases  immediate action is advisable if  not must be reported immediately to the police or to  the cyber cell.  

Lack of equal opportunities  and remuneration –  Women still lack rights of  owning property on their name,  earn income or free from job  discrimination throughout the  world. These are some of the  issues which are been faced  today by women across the country. Both men and women  must have equal opportunities  for financial independence  whether it be by setting up the  businesses or opportunity to  develop personal ambitions,  interests and her talent.  

Rape laws in India –  Truly, rape cases in India are  increasing because there are no strict laws against such heinous  crime in India, people think we  can easily get a way committing  such crime. There is no such fear  in minds of people while  committing such crime. We  clearly should not blame women  for such crimes because they are  living their life just the way they  want to, and because due to some creepsters around why  should they sacrifice their  freedom?! As far as the  punishment is concerned  according to the law 10 years of  imprisonment and fine, that’s it!  Is this what you call it a  punishment for such heinous  crime???!! Ok we live here in  urban cities what about the tribal  women out there? Think about if  someone commits such crime  there what are women going to  do? How are they going to save  themselves? All are not  educated, all are not taught to  fight back, all are not trained  well to handle the situation some  will surrender, some will try to  fight but fail, ok let’s say we  have the women helpline  numbers in any case if she won’t  get a chance to find help….  

Then? Then what next? As far as  the criminal justice system is  concerned there is no such  national document as such exist  which can solve the issue as far  as the violence against women is  concerned.  

Punishments for Rape in  different countries – v/s India  –  

1) China – Death sentence or  castration  

2) Japan – 20 years to life  imprisonment or death  penalty in case of sexual  assault and with that other  crime such as robbery  

3) Saudi Arabia – Beheading  within days  

4) North Korea – Death by  firing squad  

5) Afghanistan- Shot in the  head (which is the best) or  hang till death  

6) Egypt – death by hanging 

7) India – Imprisonment for life and shall be liable to  fine.  

If all the above countries can  do so what is stopping India  from making the laws strict?  what am I trying to convey through this article is, there  was no strict change which is  being made after the Nirbhaya  case. Women must be strong  enough to handle the situation  is another part, but what if she  couldn’t and such crime  occurs, we must definitely  have to punish the rapists and  not only punish, the strict  punishments and law  enforcements must be made in  the field of law so that the lawbreaker will think 100  times before committing any  such crime! What I feel is fear  and only fear in the minds of  the lawbreakers can change  this brutal reality now and for  that severe laws must be made  and yes, for all the women out  there those who are reading  this get this in your head that  start training yourself with  some selfdefense techniques  at least basic for your own  safety and protection,  secondly don’t stay at the  lonely places for long secure  yourself with the maximum  people around you. One more  thing, wherever you find if  any woman is in danger try to  save her as possible ways as  you can because a woman can  only save a woman now.  

Conclusion –  

Women must be Vigorous and Tough! –  

I have called it as ‘The  Unchanged Reality’ because this  is what is unchanged! but we  need certain change now, some  sort of change because even after  12 years we are at the same place facing the same situation again,  and not only in terms of Rapes  but also crimes such as harassment at workplace, gender  discrimination and sexual  exploitation or cyber violence  against women that means  somewhere something is  definitely going wrong maybe  because of lack of strict laws for  crime against women in India  due to which people don’t fear  before committing such heinous  crimes anymore, and this is  where the problem lies, women  must train themselves for some  basic self- defense techniques,  secure yourself with people  around you, and as far as the  Indian laws for women is  concerned definitely we need  harsh laws against such crime!  Speak out! Stand up for yourself  its high time.