Expert Advice

These 5 Tips Will Help You Become Mentally Strong At Work!

By Princess Huda

August 10, 2022

Capitalism has taken a long time to catch up with the influence the corporate world has on our mental health. Amy Morin, is a psychotherapist, mental strength trainer discusses how to both psychologically and emotionally prepare for a demanding job. Amy Morin’s point of view is about attempting to manage yourself better—and getting the things you desire for your career out of your employment.

The 5 Tips below will help you to become a more mentally strong worker!

Eliminate the anxiety that prevents you from taking risks

Anxiety is designed to keep us safe. As the saying goes, “if you weren’t anxious, you would not cross the street both ways.” However, if you are not a natural risk-taker and, let’s face it, most people aren’t, it might actually be a detriment. recognize your anxiety and divide it into two categories: those that can cause physical harm and those that cannot. It is common knowledge that a lion will hunt you if you do not run,” The problem began somewhere along the line when we started associating rejection and failure with dangerous thinking, according to Morin.

Admit that you will feel uncomfortable

Each employee in the company has a clearly defined comfort zone. When you nudge yourself out of that, your array of abilities expands. Doing things that challenge you is a vital component of growing mental power. It’s similar to lifting weights to improve physical strength. You’d acquire heavier ones once those weights became easier to lift.” asking yourself, ‘What are some modest things I could do to challenge myself?’ It could be as easy as speaking to someone at an event if you’re timid, or responding to emails with ‘no’ because you have a habit of pleasing others.

Face failure head on

Phrases like “failure is not an option” are unrealistic and, understandably, stressful. Though recurrent failure is undesirable, failure is unavoidable in the workplace. What important is that you get through it and keep going. When applying for a new job or requesting a promotion, you must plan for not obtaining what you want as much as receiving it. Positive vibes are good, but always go into things knowing how you will handle failure. Accepting failure in a healthy manner can help you learn rather than hinder you.

Rewire your brain to boost your confidence

Your brain may have good intentions, yet it can be a greater obstacle to you than any external factor. your brain will convince you out of doing something uncomfortable because it wants you to stay in your comfort zone. “It will suggest things like, ‘don’t ask for a promotion,’ ‘don’t apply for that job,’ and ‘you might not get it.” You must train your brain to believe that you are more competent and capable than you must do what you currently believe take risks to re- set your mind.

Keep on striving for improvement

There is always room for self-improvement, and the ‘challenge yourself’ component must continue. “It isn’t about what other people think is difficult. “I can talk in front of a group of people, for example, “What isn’t as easy is going to a networking event when I don’t know anyone.” So I set a goal for myself: “I’m going to chat to five people while I’m here today.” Morin emphasizes the need of looking for methods to improve so that less and less fazes you as time passes.