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This Guy Photoshopped Himself Into Celebrity Photos And The Results Are Hilarious AF!

We all have witnessed some epic photoshop skills in our facebook feed that us Indian possesses. Even the Swiddish Youtuber, Pewdiepie got impressed by Indian’s photoshop skills. We’ve seen people mimicking popular firangi celeb pics, we’ve seen people photoshopping themselves into stock photos and now we’ve come across an Indian guy who just photoshopped himself with the celebrities. He call himself Unseen Friend. Here’s what his Twitter bio says,

‘Just an ordinary guy who is Bollywood’s Favorite Friend. I post pictures which my celebrity friends and the media won’t show you.’

Here are some of the best pics from his Instagram account:


If you guys think you can beat this guy in terms of Photoshopping skills, then do let us know in the comments.

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