The fondness of Karan Johar towards Alia Bhatt is not hidden from anyone. He left a heartfelt note to welcome Alia and Ranbeer Kapoor’s daughter. As the power couple of Bollywood welcomes their firstborn today, it broke the internet. While everyone is congratulating the couple in their ways, the post by Karan Johar wins over every compliment. He called himself a proud nana in the post. Such an aww moment!
“My heart is full of love…. Welcome to the world baby girl… you have so much love waiting for you….. I love you @aliaabhatt and RK!! To the moon and back!!!! So this makes me proud Nana!!!! ” Karan captioned.
Earlier today Alia herself gave the news of her delivery. She thanked everyone for their blessings and good wishes. She quoted, ”And in the best news of our lives:- our baby is here.. and what a magical girl she is <3 We are officially bursting with love – blessed and obsessed Parents!!! Love love love Ranbir and Alia.”
The news of “baby Shanaya” has become the talk of the town, and fans and celebrities are congratulating them. Everyone is happy for them. Karan Johar has been a strong supporter of Alia since she made her debut in the film industry. He is often seen talking about her to the other celebrity on his chat show ”Koffee with Karan”. This special gesture by him on their first baby is just adorable. He also left a heart-touching note when the two married earlier this year. His calling himself ”nana” shows his love for Alia.