If you believe that Bollywood actresses would never dare to steep with bare faces, you are probably mistaken. Being an actress is not an easy task because beauty comes at a high cost—healthy diets, expensive beauty routines, opulent treatments, and so on. “When I see your face, there’s not a thing I would change ‘Because you’re amazing just the way you are,” we say as we dedicate this special song to all the beautiful people out there.

It’s not every day that an actress appears without makeup. People expect them to look like flawless ceramic dolls every minute of their lives because they have to live up to certain beauty expectations that come with so much pressure, from being papped outside the gym to the airport to leaving their house. Here’s a list of Bollywood actresses who stepped out without or with minimal makeup and proved to the paparazzi that their camera didn’t matter and that they could rock their natural look.