Traits Men Appreciate In Women Besides Appearances

“Men are solely focused on appearances.” It’s a well-recognized stereotype that, regarding attraction, men emphasize a woman’s looks significantly. As females, we learn early on that possessing a pleasant personality is wonderful, but in reality, men primarily focus on external appearances. How superficial is that.

Ultimately, it’s no secret that although women do consider a man’s physical appearance, they often take many other factors into account when determining if ‘He’s the right fit’. Is he secure? Sensible? Humorous? Reliable? Would he be a good dad?

But what if you think that women aren’t the only ones who consider more than just appearances? It is not to deny that men consider a woman’s looks; however, there are various other factors that will draw them to someone beyond physical beauty, attributes that aren’t solely sexual or related to appearance. Continue reading to discover what they are.

When She Is Genuine, Kind and Good With Kids





When it comes to attraction, being kind never goes out of fashion. If a woman’s nature and words bring people happiness and peace, a man would be totally swoon up. A woman who knows how to make people happy, be it a handmade card or any gift, such traits would make her more attractive to him. As women we would love a guy who is great with kids, and it is exactly the same for them as well. Many men tend to draw towards women who are great with kids. They think that being with a kid, brings out a totally different trait out of them, which makes them very attractive.

When She Is Smart And Insightful

It’s a fact that guys are attracted to a girl who possesses both beauty and intelligence. But even more than that, they are attracted to a girl whose intellect enables her to perceptively highlight aspects he has never considered before. For them a woman’s beauty increases as they learn about how she observes the world and its aspects. There are certain things that he cannot process but her thoughts make it easier for him to understand. Many men also become very happy when as a couple, he and his partner achieve something.

When She Isn’t Attention Seeking


Both introverted and extroverted women will attract men, but one thing that is less appealing is a woman who appears to chase attention from anyone who is willing to provide it. Conversely, if she demonstrates that she’s solely interested in receiving attention from him, that is certainly an appealing trait.

When She Laughs At His Jokes


Well they say laughter is the best medicine and it is also true when it comes to relationships. Women love a man when he can make her laugh, and vice versa. But for men, if a woman is laughing at his jokes, it makes him feel that she is comfortable with him and has understood him. A laugh acts as a signal that she appreciates his sense of humor. Remember the episode of FRIENDS where Monica told Chandler (her husband) that one of her colleagues is the funniest guy she has ever met and Chandler became very upset after listening to this. So this episode shows us that making women laugh means so much to men.

When She Isn’t Occupied With Her Phone


We all share some blame for relying too much on our phones, but if there’s one thing that can turn a guy off, it’s being fixated on your screen while he’s attempting to engage or impress you. Men find it very appealing when a woman is engaged with him and not her phone. This conveys that spending time with the man is important. It also signals that he is not there for any sexual benefits but wants something meaningful out of the relationship.

When She Takes Interests In His Hobbies And Has Her Own


Connecting through humor and love for children is wonderful, but even more appealing is a woman who genuinely wants to know about a man’s dreams and his passions (not faking but showing real interest in them). A key aspect of lasting attraction is the sense that you are partners in everything, including the little details, such as hobbies. When a woman values a guy’s interests, he will feel even more attracted to her. Although a woman might not be particularly interested in his hobby, he would appreciate her and recognise her effort to engage, whether it’s tennis, video games, or photography. Everyone has a hobby that they pursue during their leisure time. Usually people equate women’s hobbies to shopping, which is entirely wrong. But men really like women who indulge their free time during something which defines their personality. Be it baking, reading, learning a new language, or photography.

When She Is Good At Something And Has Dreams



A man’s interest will instantly be piqued by a woman who possesses genuine talent and has dedicated effort to excel in an area, whether it’s managing finances, dancing, or preparing meals. If she can achieve something with great skill, it’s truly remarkable and allows him to envision a future together where they collaborate in life. Men seek more than just a woman who cares about their aspirations. It matters to them that she is also engaged in her own pursuits, running alongside him. Men don’t like to be the only one with dreams and they are immediately drawn to a woman with a rich life, someone who has ambitions and dreams and is driven.

When She Goes For The Natural Look And Is Full Of Calmness


This one surely has something to do with the looks, but not in a way you might be thinking. All of us like to lay down in our comfortable pajamas and oversized T Shirts. As a girl, imagine if you do not have to worry about getting in those dresses and heels to make a guy like you because guys are all in for the natural look. Guys typically do not like makeup, and when a girl comes to them without anything other than a lip balm, they think that they have won in life. It is very true that men take pleasure in assisting a woman in distress (and who doesn’t appreciate a man who can genuinely lend a hand?), what will truly enhance her attractiveness is her ability to remain calm and composed, even when confronted with unforeseen challenges. A woman who can manage life’s chaos will consistently attract a man’s interest.

When She Likes Something He has Introduced Her To


Naturally, guys appreciate a girl with her own unique world that she can share with him, but they also find joy in having shown her something she might love, be it an entertaining TV series, a delicious meal, or a new place. Men feel good that they contributed something to their partner’s life and feel happy that she is taking pleasure with the new thing being introduced.

When She Gets Excited About Something and maybe sing sometimes


What is one of the most appealing things a woman can do? Feel truly thrilled about something, expressing unrestrained energy and passion whether it’s a cute animal at the zoo, or reuniting with a dear friend after months, or a book that has captured their heart. Guys love when girls become really charming as they get excited about something they adore. When women openly, without resisting themselves show their excitement, it fills the men with emotions and it is the most attractive thing in the world. Imagine someone singing a song for you. Women like to hum a little bit, men usually like it when their partners sing for them, be it melodious or not. Be it while driving, or bathing, or cooking,  men love a singing voice that possesses a certain irresistible charm, but even if she struggles with pitch, seeing her hum and sing to herself is endearing.

Well now you are aware that pretty smiles, shiny eyes and beautifully done hair, are not all what a man likes in a woman. This also gives some kind of peace to women, and they can let go of certain things when it comes to dating, and being their natural self.