Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s significant other Aaliya has allegedly sent the Sacred Games on-screen character a legitimate notification requesting a separation and upkeep. Her legal advisor affirmed the equivalent with Navbharat Times and expressed that she sent the notification looking for separation and support, on May 7. The legal advisor said that he was unable to unveil the details of the legitimate notification starting at now, as it is private and touchy. He further uncovered that the notification has been sent to Nawazuddin through mail just as WhatsApp, as speed post administrations are inaccessible in the present circumstance. Trouble in The Paradise: Nawazuddin Siddiqui And His Wife.

Aaliya’s legal advisor likewise shared that they haven’t got a reaction from Nawazuddin Siddiqui yet. Then, Aaliya additionally affirmed it with Zee News, that there were issues in their marriage. She asserted they were ‘not kidding ones’ and couldn’t go further in this relationship. In any case, she didn’t uncover what these issues were. They have been hitched for more than 10 years and she additionally asserted that the issues have been there for quite a while at this point, due to Nawazuddin and his sibling, yet she chose to not misrepresent it.

On theother hand, Nawazuddin Siddiqui alongside his mom, sibling, and sister-in-law, ventured out right to Budhana in Muzaffarnagar region, Uttar Pradesh, to arrive at his old neighborhood on May 15. They are as of now under home isolate.
Taking to his twitter, Nawazuddin Siddiqui wrote, “Due to the recent loss of my younger sister, my mother who is 71yrs old got anxiety attack twice. We have followed all the guidelines given by the State Government. We are #HomeQuarantined at our hometown Budhana. Please #StaySafe #StayHome.” Trouble in The Paradise: Nawazuddin Siddiqui And His Wife.