Actor Aamir Ali, a familiar face on Indian television for nearly two decades, has been part of several iconic shows, including Kahaani Ghar Ghar Kii, Kya Dil Mein Hai, and FIR. However, the actor reveals in an exclusive conversation with Hindustan Times that the medium eventually left him feeling fatigued.
The Shift to OTT
While promoting his latest web series, Doctors, Aamir discussed the stark differences between television and OTT platforms. Sharing his perspective on the creative freedom offered by OTT, he said, “I have done a lot of television, and I was tired. I wanted to do something interesting, so I left that and came here (to OTT) so that I get a chance to do something refreshing that excites me.”
He emphasized how OTT allows actors to explore more diverse roles and detailed character arcs, something television often lacks. “This is why we are doing OTT and such projects,” he added.
Aamir also touched upon the monotony of television, stating, “You lose your excitement doing the same thing over and over again.” For him, stepping into the OTT space was a conscious decision to rejuvenate his artistic spirit.
Aamir’s Role in Doctors
In Doctors, a medical drama created by Siddharth P Malhotra, Aamir plays Dr. Dhawal, a top neurosurgeon whose life takes a dramatic turn after a botched surgery leaves him partially paralyzed. Stripped of his previous stature, Dhawal is reduced to working as a general physician.
Talking about the complexity of his character, Aamir said, “He has a demon he is battling. There is something he wants for himself in life, but he can’t do it now, and that has dragged him into a negative space. That was a nice thing to explore in the character.”
The series also features Sharad Kelkar, Harleen Sethi, Viraf Patell, and Vivaan Shah in pivotal roles. Doctors premiered on JioCinema on December 27, offering viewers an intense exploration of personal and professional struggles within the medical field.
For Aamir, this role marks a significant step in his journey as an actor, allowing him to experiment and grow beyond the confines of traditional television storytelling.