Recently, on January 2, actor Vicky Kaushal was accused of putting a wrong number plate on the vehicle during the shooting of the film and a complaint was also lodged with the Indore Police regarding this. After this the Indore Police started investigation. According to news agency ANI, Vicky Kaushal has got a clean chit from Indore Police. The investigation has been closed by the Indore Police against Vicky Kaushal for alleged illegal use of a registration number on a motorcycle during the shooting of a scene in the film. Regarding this, the police officer said that this happened due to confusion due to the number plate of the vehicle.
The person who filed the complaint, Jai Singh Yadav had told, “The vehicle number used in the scene of the film is mine, don’t know whether the film unit knows about it or not but it is illegal, my number plate without permission cannot be used. Jai Singh said that during the shooting of Vicky Kaushal’s film, the last four digits of his vehicle’s registration number ‘4872’ were used on a motorcycle.”
In this case, the police say that Yadav’s complaint was investigated, after which we have come to know that the motorcycle which was used during the shooting of the film had the registration number ‘1872’ (as the last four digits) was used. Banganga police station in-charge Rajendra Soni has said on this issue that in the number plate, the first digit was written as number 1, which looked like 4. Because of which confusion had arisen. Police station in-charge Rajendra Soni further said that the investigation into the complaint made by Yadav has been closed as the allegations made by him were prima facie found to be false.
Let us tell you that the video of the car on which actors Vicky Kaushal and Sara Ali Khan are seen sitting during the shooting of the film in Madhya Pradesh went viral on social media, after which a complaint was lodged against Vicky. The complainant had said that I am afraid that if there is any accident or illegal work related to this motorcycle, then legal responsibility may fall on me.