We’ll Teach You How To Start Loving Yourself
How to love yourself?
Living in the modern world is not easy – the list of demands we have at work, in the family, and society, is growing every day. But this does not mean that we have to become even more demanding of ourselves and any error or failure to perceive as something unforgivable and inadmissible.
Praise yourself because you, like no one else, are worthy of a good attitude. Here are a few ways to develop a benevolent attitude toward yourself. First, praise yourself for a successful game of jhandi munda online or a delicious breakfast. It’s not anything; thank yourself.
The Right Attitude
Start the day on a positive note. While you’re getting ready for work, repeat positive lines to yourself (or out loud). For example, “I am strong” or “I will succeed. After several repetitions, you will believe it, become more robust and stop doubting your success.
Give yourself a day off
Dedicate a day to yourself regularly. Exercise only in the things you enjoy. Sign up for a spa treatment, play a sport you’ve always wanted to try, go on a shopping spree or take a meditation class. Try to plan a day like this. Planning a friendly event makes us happy.
Be alone with yourself
Being alone with yourself doesn’t mean wallowing in loneliness. Instead, use solitude as an opportunity to recharge and relax. “It’s only when you’re alone that the most creative ideas come to mind and productivity increases,” says Keith Sawyer, a psychologist at Washington University in St. Louis.
Learn to say “no”
Learn to think of yourself first. Don’t go to dinner with people you don’t want to go out with. Be honest when angry or irritated – don’t build it up inside yourself. And most importantly, remove from your life “toxic” people who rob you of your vitality and provide no support.
A Meditation of Loving Kindness
Barbara Fredrickson, professor of psychophysiology and leading researcher of positive emotions at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA), found that after seven weeks of meditation increases the number of positive emotions, which, in turn, are sources of vitality. They boost immunity, give a sense of calm and awareness, and minimize the risk of depression. In other words, love, pleasure, gratitude, and hope in your life have become much more abundant.
Take stock at the end of the day
Change your to-do list to a “to-do list.” Take stock of your day each evening, not forgetting even the most seemingly insignificant events. Write down all your successes – you got out for a workout, you finished your report, you got a commendation from your boss. If you constantly concentrate on the good, you won’t have time to think about the bad.
Be kind to those around you
- Buy a coffee for a colleague;
- donate money to a charity account;
- Treat a loved one to a nice dinner.
Being kind to those around you makes you happier and more forgiving.
Be your own best friend
You’re not going to tell your best friend or loved one that he’s fat, a loser, can’t do anything? Then why do you allow yourself to talk to yourself like that? Treat yourself with love and respect, just as you treat your loved ones. Speak to yourself only with positive intonations. Loving yourself leads to a happy life. So appreciate yourself, accept yourself along with all your flaws and faults, and be satisfied.
Give yourself compliments
The brain tends to fixate on the negative; try not to let this happen. Instead, get up in front of the mirror every day and compliment yourself. Yes, the color of your face today is not very, but what beautiful eyes you have! Praise yourself, not only for the fact that you have a great look but also, for example, that you are a good friend and a good listener.
Get to bed on time
Chronic lack of sleep is alarming for the brain, undermines the immune system, and even worsens memory. So try not to stay up late at night and go to bed simultaneously – the body will thank you.
Take responsibility
Of course, you are in the present – the result not only of your choices and decisions but also of your parents. But childhood is over; you can’t change it. So you don’t have to look for someone to blame, but take responsibility for your life into your own hands. You must understand and accept that the past and circumstances beyond your control cannot be changed. So you’ll stop fighting with yourself, and you’ll be able to start to change smoothly and gently concerning yourself. After all, internal conflict does not solve problems.
Compare yourself only with yourself
Comparing yourself with another person who, in your opinion, succeeded more, we feel your loss. It hurts us and deprives us of confidence and strength. And it prevents us from accepting ourselves as valuable. But ignoring other people’s success is not the answer. You have to be more relaxed about it to evaluate the conditions with which it was achieved and how it was achieved. Maybe adopt other people’s experiences – if you know you can benefit from them.
Sometimes “be”
Try to flow in the river of time whenever you feel like it. Watch the clouds float by, watch the tree tops reflect in the water, and listen to the sounds of a new morning. Consciously enjoy the moment, knowing that somewhere ahead, there are things to do. And sometimes, allow yourself to do nothing, merging with the silence and trying to feel the world around you. It is essential for filling up with strength and energy.
Remember that you can do a lot of things
Take time to think about a decision – you can. Make a decision right away, with lightning speed – you can. Not fitting into the norm or being unsuccessful is also okay. Respect and accept the ceiling of your abilities.
Learn empathy for yourself
Demand, exploit, force yourself to do things through “I can’t” – you’re welcome. So we do, and we practice it. But allowing ourselves to experience different feelings and states is not always easy and pleasant. Meanwhile, by accepting our emotions, we reduce stress levels and increase our inner resources. And we gain a person who will never let us down or leave us.
Try to be aware of their fears
In accepting yourself, you must also get your fears. Not to live with them, afraid to change anything, but to find a way to work and “heal” from them. Your fear is a barrier that prevents you from achieving your dreams or making an important decisions. But, if it is realized, you already have 50% success in overcoming it.
Don’t blame yourself for your mistakes
It is impossible to go through life without making mistakes. But in reality, there are no mistakes. Some consequences occur after you make a decision. They may or may not suit you. You have to accept it because the experience is already there. Understand that you chose what you chose and did what you did. The moment you made the decision, you found the best possible option.
Let go of all the things that didn’t happen, that were lost, lost, thrown to the wind. And then live with the idea that any result is possible. The main thing – is not to destroy yourself for something in the past and not be afraid of the terrible future.
Love yourself for the virtues and forgive the flaws – these principles will help you accept yourself for who you are.