Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s ‘Animal’ with Ranbir Kapoor proved to be a blockbuster hit at the box office. This film is also a hit on OTT these days. Since the release of Animal, it had to face a lot of criticism from the fans and the industry. People called the film to be promoting violence and shows the misogynistic view of man. And Javed Akhtar has also been one name to criticize the film. Now Animal director Sandeep Reddy Vanga has given a befitting reply to Javed Akhtar’s criticism.
Ranbir Kapoor
It is noteworthy that Javed Akhtar had seen ‘Animal’ as a film promoting misogyny and had also expressed concern over the glorification of violence in cinema. Famous lyricist Javed has termed the success of such films as dangerous, which has sparked continuous debate. Now in an interview, the film’s director Sandeep Reddy Vanga has given his reaction on this.
Javed Akhtar
Now the director, responding to Javed Akhtar’s comments on the film, questioned whether he had expressed similar concerns to his son Farhan Akhtar’s popular web series ‘Mirzapur’. Vanga suggested that Javed Akhtar’s comment showed that he had not watched the film in its entirety before commenting on it.
Sandeep Reddy Vanga
Vanga further questioned, “Why didn’t he told the same thing to Farhan Akhtar when he was making Mirzapur? Mirzapur is a show that holds abusive language in each dialogue and I haven’t seen it. If you watch it you will feel nauseous.” Why is he not checking his son’s work before giving his opinion on other films?” The film ‘Animal’ received a great response at the box office after its release. Rashmika Mandanna, Bobby Deol and Anil Kapoor and many other actors were seen in this film, which was released on December 1. Currently, it is available for streaming on OTT platforms.