Even though actress Kangana Ranaut keeps targeting all Bollywood celebrities, Salman Khan is one of her favorite actors. She is close to the superstar and is never seen speaking anything against him. Recently, Kangana shared a video of Salman’s show ‘Dus Ka Dum’ on her Instagram story. The video dates back from the time when the actress reached on the show to promote her film. Alongside the clip, Kangana asked a funny question and tagged Salman too in her post.
In the video dropped by Kangana, the actress is seen shaking a leg to ‘Dhak Dhak Karne Laga’ from Madhuri Dixit and Anil Kapoor’s film ‘Beta’ wearing a ghagra-choli. Bhaijaan liked Kangana’s dance and said, “You are looking amazing”. Tagging Salman in her post, Kangana wrote, “Why are we looking so young in this video? Does this mean that we are not young anymore? @beingsalmankhan.”
Seeing the video, the fans are now eagerly waiting for Kangana and Salman to collaborate on screen. One fan wrote, “Want to see you both together. Eagerly waiting for you to do a film with Salman Khan.” Another stated, “Most beautiful actor and actress in Bollywood film industry.” A third one suggested, “You two should do a romantic comedy film together.”
Let us tell you that Salman Khan is among those few stars with whom Kangana Ranaut shares a cordial relationship with. She also attended Salman’s sister Arpita Khan Sharma’s Eid party. Along with this, she often goes to ‘Bigg Boss’ for the promotion of her films.
Workwise, Kangana will soon appear in the period drama ‘Emergency’. She will step into the shoes of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in the film. Besides this, she has ‘Tejas’, ‘Chandramukhi 2’ and ‘The Reincarnation: Sita’ in her kitty.