Bollywood star Deepika Padukone delighted fans with her first official public appearance since the birth of her daughter, Dua, in September 2024. The actress, who had been keeping a low profile while caring for her newborn, stepped out for Diljit Dosanjh’s concert in Bangalore on December 6. Her surprise presence on stage created a memorable moment for the audience.
Visuals from the event went viral, capturing the energy of the night as the actor-singer entertained the crowd with his soulful performances. The highlight, however, was when Dosanjh invited Padukone to join him on stage. Together, the duo jammed to his hit track Lover, sending fans into a frenzy.
Deepika’s Kannada Lesson for Diljit
In one of the viral clips shared by a fan on X (formerly Twitter), Padukone was seen teaching the Punjabi artist a phrase in Kannada. On Dosanjh’s request, she taught him to say, “Nanu Ninige Preetistini” (I love you), which drew roaring applause from the audience.
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Dosanjh, in turn, showered Padukone with praise. “Deepika Padukone, can you believe guys? She has worked incredibly, and we have seen her on the big screen. Never did I think I would see her from so close. She is lovely and created her place in Bollywood solely because of her hard work. We are all very proud of her,” he said, honoring her accomplishments.
A Casual Yet Stylish Comeback
For her return to the spotlight, Padukone opted for a laid-back yet chic outfit, donning a white sweatshirt, blue denim, and sneakers. With her hair left loose and minimal makeup, she exuded effortless charm, perfectly complementing the magical night.
Another viral video from the concert showed Padukone enjoying Dosanjh’s electrifying performance and grooving to his rendition of Choli Ke Peeche from Kareena Kapoor Khan’s upcoming film The Crew.
Upcoming Projects
On the professional front, Deepika Padukone was last seen in Rohit Shetty’s Singham Again. Her appearance at the concert marked a heartwarming comeback, signaling that the actress is slowly transitioning back into the public sphere after embracing motherhood.