Famous Pakistani actress Mahira Khan who has also worked in Bollywood and became a well-known name in the industry has shared screen space with Shah Rukh Khan. She was seen with King Khan in the lead role in Rahul Dholakia’s 2017 film ‘Raees’. Mahira is often seen praising Shah Rukh Khan in almost every interview, but netizens seem to be getting irritated by this and hence they are trolling her for using Sharukh’s name. People are not missing a chance to criticize her and allege that Mahira repeatedly takes Shah Rukh’s name to attract attention.
Mahira Khan And Shahrukh Khan
Now after being trolled for taking the actor’s name, the actress has hit back at the trolls at the Aalmi Urdu Conference 2024, held in Karachi. During the conversation with media houses at the event, Mahira said that whenever there is an interview, she is always asked about her experience of working with Shah Rukh Khan and Bollywood. Mahira said that she will never get tired of talking about Shah Rukh.
Shahrukh Khan
Talking about Shahrukh, Mahira Khan said, ‘If someone asks me a question, I answer it. Then people think that I am talking about him for popularity. I never talk about him on my own.’ During the event, the host asked Mahira about being trolled on social media, where several users accused her of using Khan’s name for publicity.
Mahira Khan And Shahrukh Khan
To this question of the host, Mahira said, “It hurts me that you don’t even ask me about him again.” She also called Shah Rukh her “bachpan ka pyaar”. Earlier, Rahul also talked about casting Mahira in “Raees” and said that he cast her in the film after Gauri Khan’s mother suggested Mahira’s name. He further added, “Honey Trehan was doing the casting for us. I called him and asked if he knew Mahira. He said, “She is here for some promotional work.” He then said, “I will bring her tomorrow, you can audition her for the role.” Then we auditioned her at the Excel office, after the audition I announced, ‘I have found my Asiya.’