Best Car S’ex Positions Tips Of What You Should Try

Can you have sex in a car? Yes, if this is a mutual desire of the couple! Sex in the automobile is a convenient way to diversify your sexual life and add extreme and new sensations. An unusual place always excites the imagination. Having sex only at home in bed behind closed doors is limiting your pleasure.

What’s good about sex in a car?

Every time you can find a new place, like having sex in the forest, in nature, etc.

If you do not have a place (for example, do not live alone),  this is a great way to solve this problem. Auto is a nice place to make love in winter: warm and cozy.

If you like really extreme, you can park in a crowded place and have sex in front of strangers. Lovers of sex in the car will confirm that the adrenaline will go off the scale. Just make sure you don’t get fined for hooliganism.

Well, it’s romantic. When there is a love affair on the first date, it’s so wonderful! Media platform TwiftNews offers several positions for great sex in the car.


The lotus position is suitable for making love in the auto.

Ask your partner to sit in the back of the car with your legs crossed. Sit on top of him and wrap your legs around him.

Sex in this position can be quite comfortable if you are comfortable sitting cross-legged. Achieving orgasm in this position can take a long time. Therefore, try to park where you do not have to leave in a hurry.


Move the front area forward as far as they will go to free up space. Lie with your back to your partner and bend your legs slightly.

In this position, you both lie on your side and can fit in the back seat. In addition, it is quite simple and convenient for the car.

Face to face

This pose is also performed lying on your side but already facing each other. Place your foot on your partner’s thigh. Try to push it as far as possible while he penetrates you. In this position, your bodies are very tightly connected, but there is room for movement.


The partner must sit in the back seat facing forward. Saddle him up straight. Sex in this position is great for clitoral stimulation.

If your boyfriend has long legs, then this is one of the best options for him to fit in the auto. You will be in complete control of the entire process. You can have sex in this position in any area in the car.


Again you are on top but already lying. The guy will have to bend his knees, but if he is not very tall, this should not significantly hinder you. Take care not to get hurt by the seat belts. Well, if they can be fixed lower.


Another good position for sex is in the back area of a car. Start in a normal dog pose, then lower yourself a little as your partner penetrates you from behind.

Missionary position

Lie on your back and put your legs up while your partner penetrates you from above.

The missionary position, in its various variations, is suitable for almost any location. In the cramped interior of the car, it will be especially piquant.

On the back

Of course, there is no sofa in the car, but the back area is quite capable of replacing it. Kneel facing the rear window and lean against the back of the seat. It should be soft and comfortable for both you and your partner.

Mutual masturbation

The simplest position is for everyone to stay where they are. Sit where you feel comfortable and enjoy with your hands.

You do not need to rest the back of your head or forehead against the glass, fight with seat belts, and beat your head against the ceiling. Just stay put and enjoy.

Reverse Cowgirl

Sit on your knees with your partner in the back seat facing forward with your legs folded. Tilt the back of the passenger seat forward — then more space will be freed up, and it will serve as support for you.

In these car sex positions, you will be able to control the whole process, and the guy is guaranteed to enjoy it.

To make your date in the car go smoothly, consider a few useful tips

  • Tidy up the salon.

It is a dubious pleasure to have sex on a dirty and dusty seat or get a urinary tract infection as a bonus.

  • Put hand sanitizer and dry/wet wipes in the glove compartment.

They will definitely come in handy, and not only for sex in the auto.

  • Take a clean sheet, a large towel, or a blanket with you to cover the seat.

This is more hygienic, and the interior does not have to be washed.

Perhaps, the process will not be as comfortable as in the bedroom, but it promises a lot of new emotions and sensations. Change of place, excitement, an atmosphere of secrecy, passion, and spontaneity… Sex in the car can be a real adventure that diversifies and spices up your regular intimate life. The main thing is to prepare and choose a comfortable position.

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