15 Sex Relationship Tips For Newly Married Couples

15 Sex Relationship Tips For Newly Married Couples

There’s nothing wrong with having sex, so it’s funny when people ask for tips on how to perform it. Read these 15 Sex Relationship Tips For Newly Married Couples.

 Even though things look great at the beginning, your sex life stops moving forward once the honeymoon phase is over. You need to know that it can be undone. 

 To improve your sex life, you need to build anticipation, talk about your dreams, likes, and dislikes, and don’t be afraid to try new things. Perhaps you’ve been with someone for a long time and believe you know everything you need to know to improve your sex life. But the truth is, you can always learn more!

Our experts have given you marriage sex tips or make love tips on how to have good sex. This is your chance to make your sex life hot again. If you read the best sex tips for couples and then use what you’ve learned, you and your partner will soon have a great sex life again.

15 Sex Relationship Tips For Newly Married Couples 

Talk Openly About Sex

 Better sex can be achieved by talking about it before and after you engage in it. It will let your lover know what you desire as well as how amazing it is.

Establish a Mood

Setting the mood is a great piece of sex advice for couples to use when making love. Making something feel more passionate is simple. 

 Clean up your bedroom, light some candles, play some music, grab a drink, and then start romancing your partner. It might be nice after a rough day or week. 

Play a Role

15 Sex Relationship Tips For Newly Married Couples

The best way to improve your sex life is to play pretend in the bedroom.

Feel the heat coming from between the sheets and let your thoughts run wild.

Use Toys

Using toys is a risk-free method to spice up your married life and one of the finest sex suggestions for couples. 

Even if you don’t end up buying anything, a trip to the sex store is always a good time with a friend. Just perusing the offerings will provide an exciting experience.

Read Dirty Stories

When couples want to spice things up but don’t want to watch sleazy movies, they should pick up some racy books instead.

Relationship sex can be revitalized with the help of erotica. You can share erotica by reading it aloud or listening to it on audio together. Finding a shared interest will be beneficial, and once you’ve done that, the two of you can take the next logical step toward making that interest a reality.

Practice your Oral Skills

15 Sex Relationship Tips For Newly Married Couples

The “Kivin Method” is one of the most helpful pieces of advice on sexual intimacy between partners in recent memory.

If you want to have oral sex with your lover, try coming at her from the side. With this new perspective, she will experience even more intense pleasure experiences.

She’s Number One

Always keep in mind that the sex party is over when the male is done. If you want to be a good party host, you should make sure your wife or girlfriend is “served” first at all times. More so if you are a married couple. 

Make Foreplay a Priority

There must be some foreplay. Quite significant.

If you want to make sure your female partner is going to climax, it’s not simply a good idea to connect with her by kissing, touching, caring for, and praising her before you get down to the deed.

Scream Loud

Remember when you initially moved in together, and you were able to express yourself as loud as you wanted during sex? 

The C-A-T position

This position called the “CAT position,” is great for women who have trouble getting an orgasm from sexual contact alone.

Start by lying on your back with your body flat against his. Then, tilt your hips up. Instead of moving his arms “in and out,” have him rock back and forth.

Play and watch

To play voyeur for the night, sit across from your partner on the bed and touch yourselves while watching each other. This is one of the best sleep tips for married people.

You’ll both be so excited about this process that you won’t be able to keep your hands off of each other. Even if you don’t believe it, it will spice up your sex life.  

 Dirty Talk

Don’t be afraid to say bad things every once in a while. A great way to get each other excited and live out a dream is to play a role or be a little rough. 

Don’t Forget About the Testicles

Men may not pay much attention to this area, but the testicles can give them a lot of pleasure.

If you want to make your guy feel good, lick, suck, gently tug, or cup his balls. It will be an experience he’ll never forget.

 Mirror Mirror On The Wall

One wonderful sex advice for better sex is to watch yourself getting dirty in a full-length mirror.

Put your doubts aside and observe the sensual way in which you enjoy each other.


15 Sex Relationship Tips For Newly Married Couples

 Having the ability to fantasize about your spouse is an important aspect of a fulfilling sex life. 

Include fantasy in your naughty chit-chat. Share a romantic fantasy you’ve always loved or dream up something new to share with your spouse.

Seeing your lover in a new sexual light can revitalize sex and relationships, no matter how long you’ve been together. Get out of your comfort zone and try something new. 

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