Sam Asghari, actor and fitness model, has introduced a new chapter in his personal life just one month after his divorce from pop star Britney Spears. The 30-year-old shared pictures from his New Year’s Eve vacation on Instagram, making his new relationship public by posting intimate moments with a woman identified as Brooke Irvine.
The Instagram post, shared on Thursday, included five pictures that showcased Asghari and Irvine enjoying their vacation. In the first photo, the couple posed closely under a palm tree, while the second showed them sunbathing together on a tilted palm tree overlooking the sea. A third image depicted the pair dancing closely, while the fourth featured them gazing at each other affectionately inside a vehicle. The final photo was a mirror selfie taken by Irvine, in which the couple twinned in white outfits, with Asghari holding her gently. Sam captioned the post, “Happy New Year to All.”
Although Asghari did not tag Irvine in the photos, celebrity site Just Jared identified her as a real estate agent and former cheerleader based in Los Angeles. Irvine’s Instagram account is private, keeping further details about her life out of the public eye.
Asghari’s post comes exactly a month after his divorce from Britney Spears was finalized. On December 2, 2024, Spears was officially declared legally single, marking the formal end of their three-year marriage. This legal confirmation followed a divorce settlement the couple reached in May of the same year. Although the divorce had been finalized months earlier, December 2 was the official date marking the dissolution of their union.
The couple’s divorce was initiated by Asghari in August 2023, just over a year after their marriage. In a public statement at the time, Asghari expressed his desire for the media and the public to approach the situation with kindness and respect. “We will hold onto the love and respect we have for each other and I wish her the best always,” he had said.
Since their split, both Asghari and Spears have moved on with their lives. While Asghari has gone public with his new relationship, Spears continues to maintain a strong presence on social media, sharing moments from her life with her fans.