Fast And Furious Fame Vin Diesel Faces Sexual Battery Accusations In ‘Fast Five’ Lawsuit

Former assistant Asta Jonasson has recently come forward with disturbing allegations of sexual battery against ‘Fast and Furious’ star Vin Diesel. The lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles on Thursday, recounts an incident in the fall of 2010 during the filming of ‘Fast Five’ in Atlanta. Jonasson claims that Diesel sexually assaulted her, providing explicit details of an encounter where he trapped her against a wall in a hotel suite and engaged in inappropriate behaviour.

Jonasson, who served in a role with One Race, Diesel’s production company, had diverse responsibilities, including accompanying Diesel to social events and ensuring her inclusion in photographs when he appeared without his regular romantic partner. The lawsuit sheds light on the alleged misconduct during her time working closely with the actor.

Legal Stand: Firm Proudly Backs Client Against Vin Diesel’s Assault Allegations

The law firm’s spokesperson expressed pride in supporting their client and emphasized their commitment to holding Vin Diesel accountable for sexual assault, along with those who enabled and concealed his actions.

Following a late night in September 2010, as detailed in the lawsuit, Jonasson was instructed to stay in Diesel’s suite at the St. Regis hotel until he concluded hosting women from a club. After the women left, Diesel allegedly seized Jonasson’s wrists and pulled her onto the bed.

During this distressing incident, the suit reveals, Ms. Jonasson, fearing further anger from Vin Diesel, closed her eyes and attempted to dissociate herself, hoping the assault would come to an end. Despite her physical safety and job security concerns, she hesitated to confront her superior’s advances. However, when Diesel tried to remove her underwear, her terror overwhelmed her, prompting her to flee down the hallway while screaming.

According to the lawsuit, Diesel allegedly cornered her against the wall, touching her hand to his genitals while masturbating. To detach from the sexual attack and avoid provoking him, Ms. Jonasson, filled with fear, closed her eyes.

Feeling dehumanized and powerless, Ms. Jonasson perceived herself as disposable. Her self-esteem shattered, she questioned her skills and wondered if a successful career would demand trading her body for advancement.

Termination Unveiled: Jonasson Fired for Resisting Vin Diesel’s Advances

“The lawsuit stated unequivocally that she faced termination because she had become expendable — used by Vin Diesel to satisfy his sexual desires, and when she resisted his advances, she was let go.

Although she had initially signed a nondisclosure agreement upon joining, Jonasson could voice her concerns, protected by both the Speak Out Act and California’s AB2777. These legislations prevent the enforcement of such agreements in cases involving sexual assault, harassment, or assault, and temporarily suspend statutes of limitations for sexual abuse allegations post-2009.

As per Jonasson’s account in the legal filing, the strength drawn from the #MeToo and Time’s Up movements empowered her to regain control and seek justice for the pain inflicted by Vin Diesel and One Race.”


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