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Get Fruity This Summer To Beat The Heat

fruit salad

fruit salad

The cyclone storm was short-termed and didn’t help the temperature soaring. The summer weather is still to stay. So let us gorge on the fruits this summer weather. Get seasonal fruits this summer to beat the heat.

Summer and pandemic guidelines 

Summers are a time for vacation trips and holidays. But this summer, the lockdown was around all the time restricting the holiday trips and vacations. We all have been spending our time throughout the day lazily while being confined at home. But, it is important to follow the COVID protocols and guidelines in this pandemic.

Live the sunshine this summer and indulge in seasonal fruits

Summer is heating up. Cool yourself with some seasonal specific fruits which are best to indulge. The seasonal fruits will not only help you beat the heat but also help in boosting your energy and mood levels. It is summertime and scorching heat can make you feel dehydrated. Drink plenty of water this summer but it is important to take care of your nutrient and fluid level which can help you with dehydration.


The word itself has “water” in it. The red fruit is made up of 95% water and is very low in calories. It is rich in sodium and potassium levels and helps maintain fluid balance. 

Additional benefits of watermelon 


This is a miracle “medicinal fruit.” It is a good source of several nutrients and has antioxidant properties. 

Additional benefits of Coconut


A handful of berries have 90% water and are full of antioxidant properties. It is amazing berries that are good for a healthy heart. 

Additional benefits 

Indulge in the fruits this summer and change the flavor of your day. 

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