Veteran standup comedian and Bollywood actor Vir Das is in trouble. A complaint has been filed against the actor in Mumbai. This complaint has been filed against Vir Das after a video of him surfaced. Recently he did his comedy show in America. In this show, he made a controversial statement about the women of India and the prestige of the country.
Vir Das has shared a video of himself on his official YouTube account. This video of him is from a recent program in America. In this comedy show, Vir Das is seen making fun of India and the condition of women here. The title of this video has come from two India. In the video, Vir Das says, ‘I come from an India who worship women during the day and gang-rape them at night’. Many Indians expressed their anger on this statement of his and are fiercely criticizing Vir Das.
I have filed the complaint against Vir Das Indian Comedian with @CPMumbaiPolice @MumbaiPolice for defaming & spoiling the image of India in the USA, which is inflammatory.
He wilfully spelled inciting & derogatory statements against India, Indian women, & the PM of India.
— ADV. ASHUTOSH J. DUBEY 🇮🇳 (@AdvAshutoshBJP) November 16, 2021
At the same time, Bombay High Court lawyer Ashutosh Dubey has filed a complaint against Vir Das in Mumbai. Ashutosh Dubey is a Practicing Legal Solicitor in Bombay High Court and works as Legal Advisor for BJP-Maharashtra Palghar District. Ashutosh Dubey has given information about registering a complaint against Vir Das through his Twitter account. Ashutosh Dubey in his complaint has said that Vir Das is trying to portray India as the biggest threat to Indian democracy and the intention behind the video appears to be to create fear and hatred among the people of the country. Not only this, according to the complaint of Ashutosh Dubey, Vir Das has also made objectionable remarks about Prime Minister Narendra Modi for PM Care Fund.
At the same time, after all-around criticism, Vir Das has to apologize for his video. He issued a statement on his official Twitter account and apologized for the derogatory remarks made about India in America. Vir Das has said that he did not intend to insult India. At the same time, the actor also said that he is proud to be an Indian.