Vikrant Massey Joins Ekta R Kapoor’s Audacious Socio-Political Thriller

In an exciting development, Vikrant Massey has officially joined the cast of Ekta R Kapoor’s upcoming socio-political thriller. The untitled film explores a shocking true story from the early 2000s. This narrative reverberated across...

Sanam Puri Ties The Knot With His Bae In Magical Nagaland Ceremony

The mellifluous voice behind hits like “Ishq Bulaava,” Sanam Puri, recently orchestrated a harmonious union with his longtime companion. Sanam was dating singer-model Zuchobeni Tungoe. Their nuptials, cloaked in a white wedding ceremony, echoed...

Nysa Devgan Shines In Pink Lehenga: A Glimpse Of Elegance

Nysa Devgan Shines In Pink Lehenga: A Glimpse Of Elegance

Kajol recently shared delightful pictures of her daughter, Nysa Devgan, donning a stunning pink lehenga designed by Manish Malhotra. Demonstrating her maternal pride, Kajol highlighted Nysa’s gorgeous traditional look on Instagram, garnering attention from...