Here Is What You Should Tell To Your Partner About Your Ex

Exes indeed play a vital role in your life. But the point here is what exactly should we tell our partners about our ex? Some of us feels that talking about your ex will be the last thing while some of us want to start a new relationship will full honesty. So what is the right way? Maybe one day, you dump into your ex with your partner or maybe a friend of you may get a tongue of slip. So here is what you are supposed to do:

Sooner than later

Accept this that at one point of time, you will have to tell about your ex so its always better sooner than later. You must be curious about your partner’s past and so would be he/she. And its okay to know some details. But do remember that you do it only once. Do not start to talk about your ex on a regular basis.

Talk about your journey

There is always something new in every relationship. You need to know what was good and what was bad. What you have to take along and what do you have to leave there. Talk to your partner about your and his learnings. This will help you both bloom and grow.

Focus on the positives

Do not ever bad mouth your ex. Always find good and positive things about him from your past relationships. Do not show bitterness towards your past partners. This helps your current partner be comfortable with you.

Serious conversation

Always talk about your past relationship in a serious mood. Do not make it a joke or fun topic to talk about. Be mature and serious about it than to be a gossiper. The idea is to communicate with your partner about you as a person and what they can expect in a relationship.

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